Foster's Lab

Entrepreneur Going Above and Beyond

Co-founder Anthony Shook takes Foster's Lab to new heights breaking the traditional DTC advertising mold.


We have been looking for the best way to get in front of people, while keeping them and ourselves safe during this global pandemic.


How the Idea Took Flight

Anthony, decided to think not to just outside of the box, but above the Earth when it came to getting his brand in front of consumers during a global pandemic. An experienced pilot, Anthony conceived of the idea to take Foster's Lab to the skies. The team wanted to share Anthony's unique journey with Foster's community: training for aerial banner towing, designing and printing a custom banner, then actually flying the banner himself over South Florida Beaches on March 5th, 6th, and 7th. You can follow Foster's on social media to experience the journey with them.



Thinking outside the box to spread the word about Foster's Lab.

Connect with Customers

Personally introduce new customers to the Foster's Lab brand, socially distanced of course.

Surprise & Delight

Gifting reusable Foster's Lab totes with a free serum.

Design & Printing

The banner design was also a new challenge, “how do you get a customer's attention 500 feet in the air while maintaining the esthetic of the Foster's brand?" said Chad Molique, the Creative Director at Foster’s Lab.
We have never designed anything like this before so we partnered with Remy Colin with Aerial Messaging to help guide us.

Getting Off the Ground

Many people don’t know how aerial banner towing works. It is a combination of skilled aviation and aerial acrobatics. The plane takes off without the banner. Circling back around, the pilot must dive to the ground and catch the banner rope off a small goal post with a hook attached to the back of the plane. Climbing quickly back up to a safe altitude of 400 feet, the banner unfurls behind the plane.

This process all happens very fast and is a bit intimidating for any pilot. The process is also a dangerous one. Anthony was willing to take the risk in order to advertise his brand in a global pandemic.

Taking Flight

As Anthony and the banner fly high above Miami beach a trailing message behind the banner will let everyone know about the text to win giveaway. You can text GLOW to 65047 and be entered to win a $100 visa gift card and a free serum. Three winners will be chosen each day 3/5-3/7.  

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Contact Us:

Stephen Bogunia

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